How do I book an appointment with Uptown Tattoo?
This answer can vary a little by artist but the best place to start is with an email to contact@uptowntattoo.com or heading to one of the artists profiles to email them directly. Be sure to include your name, details about what you’re looking to get done and a number you can be reached at.

Does Uptown Tattoo offer walk-ins?
We do whenever we can! Every Friday we take walk-ins first come, first served starting at 12:00pm. Other days you can call the shop at 612-874-6400 to ask about open time for the day.

How much do you charge?
We have a shop minimum of $150 and hourly we charge $200.

Do you guys offer piercing?
No, we do not.

How old do I have to be to get tattooed at Uptown Tattoo?
In the State of Minnesota it is illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18, regardless of parental consent.

How far are you guys booked out?
This answer is different for each artist. Availability ranges from within the week for walk-in-possible projects to a few months out for other projects. If you’re not sure if your project can work as a walk-in please email us at contact@uptowntattoo.com